Happy 4th of July
Many of us celebrate the 4th of July to commemorate the signing of the Declaration of Independence. That document that declared that we vowed to become a free nation, removing ourselves from the yoke of tyranny as a colony under the control of England. We also know that some people in the colonies were not meant to be included in the lofty words crafted into that document.
I remember how hard it is to wait for something that is really important to me. As a young child, it was waiting for Christmas. As I got older, it was waiting to be old enough for big things like getting my driver’s license, being old enough to go out to adult venues to dance and enjoy a cocktail, being eligible to vote. All these things could not be hurried along, the day came when the day came. It was no one’s fault. The dates were marked on a calendar.
What about things that do not have a particular date on the calendar? For many people who are unable to achieve their goals due to circumstances controlled by others, it is much more challenging not to hold those others at fault. This is even more true when the barriers are put up at the whims of others and for no valid reason. The stress upon the person held back can lead to distress, disease, and many other problems and behaviors. When this happens to a large group of people, civil unrest is usually the result.
Langston Hughes wrote the poem, “Dream, Deferred”.
What happens to a dream, deferred?
Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore—
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over—
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?
For so long, the dreams of many people have been put on hold because somebody else wasn’t “ready” yet. Just wait, they say. Time will come, but not now. Who are the somebodies who have the right to determine when someone else can live a meaningful life? For some folks, the when really means never.
Our Declaration of Independence says that everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That document was written 248 years ago and led to a revolution. I hope that we can agree to actively work towards full equity and inclusion for all members of our community, and achieve it peacefully, with love and compassion.
I encourage everyone to check out the Podcast called “Our Dream Deferred” which “seeks to get underneath the forces – seen and unseen – that shape and distort American culture and societies”.