Climate Change

We can’t afford to sit on our hands. Leading scientists warn that human activity is contributing to climate change. Extreme weather variations are causing more drought, floods, and fires, along with tornadoes and hurricanes at velocities that used to be rare. Loss of lives and property will continue at an alarming rate unless we take bold action. We were warned years ago, and have made some changes, but not enough. Insurance companies are raising rates to cover the risks, and in many places is simply unaffordable, making home mortgages unattainable.

Reproductive health

Politicians do not belong in the exam room as we are making reproductive health decisions, and certainly not in the emergency room. Maternal mortality is increasing as some people think it is their place to make life-changing decisions for other people. Many of these same people think they should be able to prevent us from having access to IVF and contraception and do nothing to address living wages, the lack of affordable childcare, housing and other costs associated with having or expanding a family.

I’m a Democrat

What kind of person is a Democrat? Parents, nurses, volunteers, and so much more.

Agriculture - Feeding America.

We owe a lot to the American farmer. They deserve to earn a decent living, have affordable and comprehensive health care, and retire with dignity, passing the farm along to the next generation.

Clean Water

Clean water is important to all of us. Life depends on it. Are we taking care of these vital resources the way we should? What are we leaving behind for the next generation?

Fat Cats

The rest of us might feel left behind. Prices seem to be going up faster and faster. Some of that is due to rising costs of materials and labor, but not always. We are seeing the incomes of CEOs and millionaires turning into billionaires. They have their big lawyers and lobbyists. They pay thousands for access to politicians who will do their bidding. Who is looking out for the rest of us?


Honest, hardworking people have and will continue to make America great. We welcomed the oppressed from other countries to come here and build this country, this shining city on a hill. Let’s not give up on this country. Moving forward with kindness and compassion for our fellow human beings will make this country greater than ever.