Ranked Choice Voting (RCV)
Have you ever wanted to vote for one candidate, but didn’t because you thought you would be throwing your vote away? Have you seen people win elections with only 1/3 of the voters choosing them? Are you sick and tired of the nasty commercials and campaigns that trash a candidate with innuendo without telling the whole story? Do you sometimes feel like big money is buying elections? With Ranked Choice Voting you can vote for the candidate who would be your first choice, and still vote for your 2nd or even 3rd choice. No need for expensive primaries or run-off elections! One election and the votes are tallied among the 1st choices, and if none gets more than 50% of the vote, then tallies continue with 2nd choices or even 3rd choices until someone has the support of more than half the voters. It would be nice to have this kind of confidence in the person who ends up representing us!