We can work together for a stronger tomorrow
Minnesotans care deeply about our state and want to see one another succeed. Working together, across race, religion and geography, we can strengthen our communities by improving outcomes for all of us, no exceptions. Organizing together, we have the power to decide our future — just as we’ve done in the past.
This year has shown the importance of a government that cares for us. Minnesotans are teaching our children, keeping our lights on, our food safe, our water clean, and keeping each other healthy. From checking in on our neighbors, to raising our voices to protest injustice, to working the frontlines in health care, Minnesotans across race and place are building a state we’re proud to leave our children.
We believe it’s time to come together to demand the richest Minnesotans and the largest corporations pay their fair share, so that every Minnesotan — across race and region — has the opportunity to build a better future. That’s why we support the freedom of Minnesotans to organize together to collectively bargain for a better life. And, why we are building a coalition across race, place and faith to ensure all Minnesotans have the care they need, a clean energy future and healthy climate, safe communities, a fair justice system, connected communities, the opportunity to achieve their dreams, and the time to care for themselves and their loved ones.